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Back Office

24/7 expert staffing

Your back office does a lot of the heavy lifting while at the same time it can be a huge expense for any business. What if it didn't have to add to your overhead the way it does now, and still give you the results you need?

At BBC Global, we have a team ready and eager to work for you that does not require costly training, office space, and tools - it’s all completely outsourced. We also have hired the individuals who have the right experience so you don’t have to worry about a lengthy training process.

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Specialized talent

Our back office outsourcing professionals specialize in administrative support and are well-versed in what businesses need. You don’t have to wonder if the person you hire is actually going to turn out the way you hope. With our outsourcing team, we have the know how match the right people with your business. No second guessing, just results.


When you outsource billing, you'll have specialized personnel who follow up with your clients, insurance companies and handle slow pays. Outsourced billing and collections improve your cash flow and allow you to focus on expanding your business.

More about Billing.


Outsource debt collection services guarantee the efficient collection of your debts. Outsourcing your collections process reduces in-house costs and minimizes bad debts.

More about Collections.

Other Specialties
  • done Administrative Support
  • done Sales Support

Get started

Find out how you can outsource back office services that pairing your business with the right talent. Call today:


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Case studies

See why smart companies turned to BBC Global to get an edge over costs and competition!

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